Yarn Club Reveal: Nature Trails Spring Colourway
Yarn Club Reveal: Nature Trails Spring Colourway
Something that I look forward to every Spring is the wild orchids that grow on our property. We have this little track at out place, on the high side of the paddock, that we affectionately refer to as the ‘Orchid Walk’ or ‘Orchid Path’.
Around this time of year the whole family enjoys orchid hunting, and we go on regular little walks around this area and out the back of our place to spot what comes up. Every time someone comes to visit us in the Spring time I drag them along this path and eagerly point out the orchids too them. They are generally delighted by the experience (or if not they politely humour me).
We have an array of varieties, and I love them all, but the Spider Orchids are my absolute favourite.
Here is a list of what we have spotted so far:
- Nodding Greenwood (Pterostylis nutans)
- Maroon-hood (Pterostylis pedunculate)
- Dwarf Greenhood (Pterostylis nana
- Spotted Donkey (Diaries paradina)
- Wallflower Donkey (Diuris orientis)
- Pink fingers (Caledonia carneus)
- Purple Cockatoo (Glossodia major)
- King spider (Arachnorchis tentaculata)
It fills me with such joy to search for and discover these little treasures each year that I just had to dedicate this colourway to them. Prior to hitting the dye pot I went for a slow walk along my special Orchid Path and this is the colourway that was born from that lovely experience.
I hope that a little orchid magic makes its way to you via this colourway and it brings you joy to make it in to something special.
Thank you to all you lovely folk for being a part of this club, it means the world to me to share my yarn and experiences with you.
Missed out on this club? Get on the waitlist for next time.